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FM4 La Boum De Luxe | Reform Act Review

Interview with and part of Coucou Chloé's live set, part of Ola Saad's performance and Lokier in the mix.
This Friday to Saturday night on Radio FM4 La Boum De Luxe by midnight. relisten here

Coucou Chloé at Reform Act Vienna 2018 Seestadt

Review the program and find links to the artists of Reform Act Part III | June 21-23 2018 | Fabrik Seestadt

Very happy to present you an interview with and part of the live set of Coucou Chloé, french producer and dj, as well as an excerpt of Ola Saad's live performance and Lokier in the mix. Everything recently recorded in Vienna, at Reform Act Part III. Tonite broadcasting for you on FM4 La Boum De Luxe.

V ARE Reform Act 2018 Seestadt Aspern Lokier Shift

V ARE 2018 Reform Act Part III Ola Saad Seestadt Aspern Shift Vienna

Well. This weekend of Reform Act Part III. I wanna thank first and foremost Li aka Elisabeth Falkensteiner aka Misonica and Ursula Winterauer [Labelbossin von Ventil Records]. And all of our team. Thanks for the perfect sound: Florian Kindlinger, Sebastian Meyer & buero3 | Markus Liszt!! for getting us and having an eye on everything!! and all our drivers and bar people + everyone involved in one or the other way. and the perfect security:

V ARE Reform Act Security Seestadt Shift

V ARE 2018 Reform Act Part III Milica Balubdzic Installation Shift Seestadt Aspern

Thanks Milica for this beautiful installation.

That awesome techno live situation by Nene H, the even visually very touching cooking it up HALL; Elisabeth Schimana and Laura Agnusdei. Ola Saad who travelled all the way from Cairo to just amaze us with her live set, Lolina and her family! Coucou Chloé that i felt as excited as on a first date moment, Lokier, Coco Bechamel, Wilted Woman, Koifin, Paul Uhlmann, Rovan and especially everyone who came through!


the show will be up for your re-listening pleasure on http://fm4.orf.at/player/ = 7 TAGE --> friday LA BOUM DE LUXE

almost all photos by David Višnjić | danke!